About CBC - Custom Built Cars
My name is Christian,
this website and products are a solo development for now, until the company grows to a point of sustainability
Ever since I could open my eyes cars have been on my mind
This company and products have grown out of that obsession
Once I was old enough to buy a car and learning to work on it the frustration grew, after half the parts I purchased didn’t fit. As I continued learning and developing fabrication skills the car scene continued to get stale with most seeming to run the same bolt on parts that kind of fit. The flavor left the car scene. Every show or car meet looked nearly the same, and parts served one function life
As friends expressed similar opinions, and my suppressed creativity from working a job grew into frustration the only thing left to do was start something. So here is the result- Custom Built Cars
The goal is to help my friends build the cars of their imagination while using the most innovative technologies I have access to
Just a dude making parts for the homies
This is a rough draft, will be updated later on 🤝
feel free to reach out, or dm on social media